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SFB 692 - H A L S - High-strength al-based lightweight materials for safety components
SFB 692 - H A L S - High-strength al-based lightweight materials for safety components 

C1 - Strength/ Failure


Dr.-Ing. Kristin Hockauf

Chemnitz University of Technology
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
09107 Chemnitz

0371 / 531-36812
0371 / 531-23819


This project aims at a broad understanding of the temperature dependency (RT to 250 °C) of damage mechanisms under cyclic loading in severe plastically deformed and particle reinforced aluminium alloys. LCF, HCF and crack propagation testing, combined with microstructural analysis, will provide information on the thermal stability of the materials and on the influence of the particles, the changes in the strengthening effect of the precipitates and on grain size and dislocation density.

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