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SFB 692 - H A L S - High-strength al-based lightweight materials for safety components
SFB 692 - H A L S - High-strength al-based lightweight materials for safety components 

T4 - Continuum dislocation theory for severe plastic deformation of aluminium alloys


Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Martin F. X. Wagner

Chemnitz University of Technology
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Chair of Materials Science
09107 Chemnitz

0371 / 531-38683
0371 / 531-23829

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Lampke

Chemnitz University of Technology
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
09107 Chemnitz

0371 / 531-36163
0371 / 531-23819


Because of their low thermal stability, ultra fine grained materials can at present only be shaped by expensive and time-consuming processes to preserve their excellent combination of high strength and ductility. Today, amongst the various techniques that result in severe plastic deformation, there is not a single shape forming process. In this project, we study a room temperature extrusion process that will for the very first time facilitate an economically feasible fabrication of a near net shape, ultra fine grained product (simple and complex profiles).

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