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SFB 692 - H A L S - High-strength al-based lightweight materials for safety components
SFB 692
SFB 692 - H A L S - High-strength al-based lightweight materials for safety components 


A list of all sub-projects of the third funding period is given below. Individual links will forward you to brief summaries of the projects, including the main research topics and important results of the second funding period (in case of projects already funded), or first preliminary work (in case of new projects).

A1 - ECAP of high-strength aluminium alloys at cryogenic temperatures

A2 - Material design and thermo-mechanical treatment of AMCs

A4 - Technologies for Graded Ultra-Fine-Grained Materials

B2 - Corrosion resistant conversion coatings for Al-based materials

B3 - Systematic adjustment of local material and interface properties for the production of hybrid Al-Mg-compounds

C1 - Strength/ Failure

C2 - Material laws and identification

C4 - Target Life Cycle Costing and Innovation Controlling

C5 - Localization phenomena in ECAPed aluminium materials

D2 - Generation of Predefined Surface Properties by Finish Cutting and Finish Forming of Particle Reinforced Lightweight Construction Materials

D5 - Finish Machining of High-Strength Particle Reinforced Aluminium Matrix Composite Materials (AMCs) by Electrochemical Machining

D6 - Joining concepts for bulk and sheet metal structures of high-strength light-weight materials

T4 - Continuum dislocation theory for severe plastic deformation of aluminium alloys

T5 - Simulation-based extension of the Presta process for assembled camshafts

T6 - High strength aluminum based materials with tailored damping properties for professional racing sleds

T7 - Integration of effective heat treatment strategies into the processing of high-strength aluminum bolts

Z1 - Central administrative project of the SFB 692

Z2 - Centralisation of the services for textural and structural investigations

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