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SFB 692 - H A L S - High-strength al-based lightweight materials for safety components
SFB 692 - H A L S - High-strength al-based lightweight materials for safety components 

C2 - Material laws and identification


Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Jörn Ihlemann

Chemnitz University of Technology
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Solid-state Mechanics
09107 Chemnitz

0371 / 531-36946
0371 / 531-23419


The development of dislocation structures under non-monotonic loading with large strains will be analyzed using continuum dislocation theory. The development of back-stresses and hardening effects will be related to the underlying physics. An additional goal is to analyze metal forming processes that are relevant for the research center. The behavior of high-strength aluminium alloys will be described by models with nonlinear kinematic and distortional hardening that have already been developed in the project.

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