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SFB 692 - H A L S - High-strength al-based lightweight materials for safety components
SFB 692 - H A L S - High-strength al-based lightweight materials for safety components 

C5 - Localization phenomena in ECAPed aluminium materials


Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Martin F. X. Wagner

Chemnitz University of Technology
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Chair of Materials Science
09107 Chemnitz

0371 / 531-38683
0371 / 531-23829


Equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) of high-strength aluminium alloys is characterized by the formation of very heterogeneous microstructures that exhibit shear bands on different length scales. This type of inhomogeneous deformation considerably reduces the achievable degree of deformation of high-strength materials during ECAP. In this project, the fundamental microstructural processes are studied by microstructural and mechanical characterization, and they are correlated with the macroscopic material behavior.

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